
Producing Professional texts has become a regular activity as a reflex of the consultancy and teaching, an experience that has resulted in the publishing of books on information risk management, competitive intelligence and communication management. A new editorial project written collectively, and exclusively directed at the end user, is predicted for 2008. Find out more

Marcos Sêmola website© 2011 | | Brasil, Rio de Janeiro | London UK, Netherlands NL | ©S4P Photography
Translated by Global Translations.BR
Information Security Management: an executive view
Editora Campus Elsevier (Nominated Prêmio JABUTI 2003)
ISBN: 9788535211917
Author: Marcos Sêmola
Lauched: 11/12/2002 + VENDIDO desde 2002
Pages: 184
Average Price: R$56
Launch Footage: O Globo | Estado de São Paulo
Book Index
Purchase the book by clicking here.

Strategic Information Management & Competitive Intelligence
Editora Saraiva
ISBN: 978850205380
Author: Marcos Sêmola e 22 outros especialistas
Launched: 2005
Pages: 368
Average Price: R$65

Purchase the book by clicking here.

Information and Communication Technology
Editora Pearson e FGV
ISBN: 9788576050650
Auttor: Marcos Sêmola and other professors
Launched: 2006
Pages: 256
Average Price: R$36

Purchase the book by clicking here.

Novo projeto editorial em andamento, idealizado e desenvolvido em parceria com outro profissional da área de tecnologia da informação internacionalmente reconhecido. Mais detalhes serão divulgados à partir do segundo trimestre de 2008.

Outras áreas de interesse: governança; fraude; perícia digital; security scorecard; estratégia de segurança; awareness e compliance.

Special lectures related to Risk Information Management; Security Planning and Compliance can be requested for open events, in Brazil or abroad.

The sources for the central theme are part of the portfolio of lectures given by the author.


It is normal for projects to require lectures to sensitize and get stakeholders involved; convert reactive into neutral and pro-active; motivate teams and disseminate the culture of risk management and the information security policy among users. Lectures customized and specially developed for this purpose can be requested on demand.

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Main events where the lecture was given in the last few years:


Foundation lecture: 2005 | 2006
Main themes of the portfolio:

How, when, where and why protect the information
Facts, truths and misconceptions about information security How to justify investments to protect the business
Guidance for a strategic information security plan
Structuring and executing a security plan
The challenge of compliance with laws and standards
ISO 17799 and the security management framework
Security and business continuance
Information security management trends
Main customers:

Petrobras Shell Nossa Caixa Comgas Telecom Itália Correios Banco do Brasil Transpetro Claro Philips CVRD Brasil Telecom Rhodia Banco Itaú Banco Santander Banco Bradesco

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They are short or medium executive training programs, normally offered to closed public groups in companies or even open groups through teaching institutions. They can be customized or replicated based on pre-conceived models and themes already available in the portfolio.

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Database: Project Risk Management (FGV)
The Information Security Management Executive (FGV) Information Security Strategic Planning
Integrated View of Information Risks

Free Download: Presentation Techniques PDF

Suggest other themes here

Executive Training in Information Security Management traditionally applied in MBA courses for professionals of all areas interested in understanding and getting a holistic view of the challenges and impacts of information security in their business.

Presentation Material: PGP (Digital Certificate required)
Lecture booklet: PDF

See the main subjects of the course on the tab: MBA Themes
Models of hourly load: 8h | 16h | 24h Consulte
Course Subjects:

Information Business Dependence Motivational Factors Trends Facts Challenges Basic Concepts Risk Components Vulnerabilities Impacts Threats Agents Risk Analysis Policy Classification Access Control Network Protection Cryptography Awareness Program Vulnerability Test Continuity Response to Incidents Judicial Analysis Security Office Ethics Norms Legal Aspects Polemic Themes Management
Main customers:

FGV Fundação Getúlio Vargas ITCOM Universidade Estácio de Sá FIT Faculdades Integradas Impacta PUC Pontifícia Universidade Católica USP Universidade de São Paulo UCP Universidade Católica de Petrópolis

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Information Technology Consultancy, Information Risk Management and Professional Service Management are currently part of professional attributes, which makes it a reactive project. Thus, its offer is dependent on the inexistence of conflicts of interest.

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Main area of competence:

Business and Professional Service Management
Compliance and Planning Management
Director Information Security Plan
Business Continuity Plan
Information Security Policy
Awareness Plan and Change Management
Risk Management Strategy (Information and Projects)
Strategy Against Fraud

Main customers:

Petrobras Shell Nossa Caixa Comgas Telecom Itália Correios Banco do Brasil Transpetro Claro Philips CVRD Brasil Telecom Rhodia Banco Itaú Banco Santander Banco Bradesco ABN Amro
Caixa Econômica Federal

The freelance photography activity is managed by ©S4P Photography resulting in the involvement in social-related projects and commercial projects on demand. Marcos Sêmola is a member of London Independent Photography, do The Netherlands Images Photoclub and photographer of Getty Images, the largest bank of commercial images in the world. Areas of Interest: journalist photography; publicity photography; urban photography and macro photography, specialising in black and white photography. Exhibition: FotoArte 2007 (invitation)

Visit the dynamic portfolio at
special |
fashion | lasdscape | icons | macro | street | portrait
Campaign "LccWandsworth Cycling Campaign”, Londres 2007
Footage "London Fashion Week”, EGO B|C, UK07
Footage ”Getty Images: Creative Lifesize”, Londres 2007
Own Projecto “Gray of London”, Londres, 2006/2007
Cover Page of ppublic magazine “BrightSide”, Londres 2007
Volunteer in the project “Images of England”, Londres 2007
Publicity material for the Internet projec “S4P Group”. RJ07
Collective online exhibitionFoto Arte 2007”, Brasília 2007 online
Book Project "London CO2 Campaign", Londres 2008

Interested in New Projects?
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Photographer of Getty Images, the largest bank of commercial images in the world, with worldwide exposure of images in the collection "Creative Lifesize", available on the Internet.

Licence Format: Rights-Ready
Price Range: £ 100.00 GBP - £ 1,250.00 GBP (find out more)

See the photographer’s images here.

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Exclusive Copyright© Wallpapers 1440 x 900
London Castle Bigben
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Productive Initiatives

In the context of this site, projects are productive initiatives, which take on personal or professional importance and end up being carried out according to a plan with a clear definition of objectives and the expected results. Due to the natural limitation of time, some of them take on a reactive posture awaiting new requirements, while others are maintained in continual operation and their results can be known and followed up here.

Present on the Internet supporting education.


Crime? Denounce it
4 January, 2011
↘ Courses

Open and closed training represent another valuable commercial product for the formation in culture and professional recycling. They are, in general, developed on demand and are tailor-made to the profile and needs of the company.
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↘ Lectures

Presentations and lectures are constant in supporting the consultancy activities and teaching. They are also marketed as a product of large scale applicability and are attractive to the corporate and academic environments.
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↘ Photography

Photographic projects are commonly collaborative and of social character, and can easily take on the commercial character on demand. Journalism, publicity and communication are the main areas of concentration and interest. Portfolio

↘ Consultancy

Information Technology Consultancy, Information Risk Management and Professional Service Management are currently part of the professional attributes, which make it a reactive project. Thus, its offer depends on the inexistence of conflicts of interest. Find out more